
First, make sure that the package is installed.

Now, we import the models module from py_wave_runup. This is where all our empirical wave runup models are stored.

from py_wave_runup import models

Then, we can pick a model from the list of available wave runup models to use. Here we defined the wave height, wave period and slope used to calculate runup using the Stockdon et al. (2006) model.

model_sto06 = models.Stockdon2006(Hs=4, Tp=12, beta=0.1)

Our model now gives us access to our wave runup parameter which have been calculated using the model.

model_sto06.R2     # 2.54
model_sto06.setup  # 0.96
model_sto06.sinc   # 2.06
model_sto06.sig    # 1.65


You can find more usage examples here.